Weusi hawasomi
Nimekutana na haya maneno katika mlolongo mmoja wa barua pepe. Soma uone jinsi weusi watakavyoendelea kunyonywa. Ina maana hata hii hawataisoma.
I think that will interest youREAD AND WEEP!BLACKS DON'T READ.Please Note:For those of you who heard it, this is the article DeeLee was reading this morning on a New York radiostation. For those of you who didn't hear it, this isvery deep and true! BLACKS DON'T READ. This is a heavypiece and a Caucasian wrote it. THEY ARE STILL OURSLAVES we can continue to reap profits from the Blackswithout the effort of physical slavery. Look at thecurrent methods of containment that they use onthemselves: IGNORANCE, GREED, and SELFISHNESS. TheirIGNORANCE is the primary weapon of containment. Agreat man once said, 'The best way to hide somethingfrom Black people is to put it in a book." We now livein the Information Age. They have gained theopportunity to read any book on any subject throughthe efforts of their fight for freedom, yet theyrefuse to read. There are numerous books readilyavailable at Borders, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon.com,not to mention their own Black Bookstores that providesolid blueprints to reach economic equality (whichshould have been their fight all along), but few readconsistently, if at all. GREED is another powerfulweapon of containment. Blacks, since the abolition ofslavery, have had large amounts of money at theirdisposal. Last year they spent 10 billion dollarsduring Christmas, out of Their 450 billion dollars intotal yearly income (2.22%). Any of us can use them asour target market, for any business venture we care todream up, no matter how outlandish, they will buy intoit. Being primarily a consumer people, they functiontotally by greed. They continually want more, withlittle thought for saving or investing. They wouldrather buy some new sneaker than invest in starting abusiness. Some even neglect their children to have thelatest Tommy or FUBU, and they still think that havinga Mercedes, and a big house gives them "Status" orthat they have achieved the American Dream. They arefools! The vast majority of their people are still inpoverty because their greed holds them back fromcollectively making better communities. With the helpof BET, and the rest of their black media that oftenbroadcasts destructive images into their own homes, wewill continue to see hug profits like those of Tommyand Nike. Tommy Hilfiger has even jeered them, sayinghe doesn't want their money, and look at how the foolsspend more with him than ever before). They'llcontinue to show off to each other while we buildsolid communities with the profits from our businessesthat we market to them. SELFISHNESS, ingrained intheir minds through slavery, is one of the Major wayswe can continue to contain them. One of their own,Dubois said that there was an innate division in theirculture. A "Talented Tenth" he called it. He wascorrect in his deduction that there are segments oftheir culture that has achieved some "form" ofsuccess. However, that segment missed the fullness ofis work. They didn't read that the "Talented Tenth"was then responsible to aid the Non-Talented NinetyPercent in achieving a better life; instead, thatsegment has created another class, a Buppies classthat looks down on their people or aids them in acondescending manner. They will never achieve what wehave. Their selfishness does not allow them to be ableto work together on any project or endeavor ofsubstance. When they do get together, theirselfishness lets their egos get in the way of theirgoal. Their so-called help organizations seem to onlywant to promote their name without making any realchange in their community. They are content to sit inconferences and conventions in our hotels, and talkabout what they will do, while they award plaques tothe best speakers, not the best doers. Is there no endto their selfishness? They steadfastly refuse to seethat TOGETHER EACH ACHIEVES MORE (TEAM)! They do notunderstand that they are no better than each other ofwhat they own in fact, most of those Buppies are butone or two paychecks away from poverty. All of whichis under the control of our pens i our offices and ourrooms. Yes, we will continue to contain them as longas they refuse to read, continue to buy anything theywant, and keep thinking they are "helping" theircommunities by paying dues to organizations which dolittle other than hold lavish conventions in ourhotels. By the way, don't worry about any of themreading this letter, remember, THEY DON'T READ!!!!BLACKS DON'T READ"Euseby
I think that will interest youREAD AND WEEP!BLACKS DON'T READ.Please Note:For those of you who heard it, this is the article DeeLee was reading this morning on a New York radiostation. For those of you who didn't hear it, this isvery deep and true! BLACKS DON'T READ. This is a heavypiece and a Caucasian wrote it. THEY ARE STILL OURSLAVES we can continue to reap profits from the Blackswithout the effort of physical slavery. Look at thecurrent methods of containment that they use onthemselves: IGNORANCE, GREED, and SELFISHNESS. TheirIGNORANCE is the primary weapon of containment. Agreat man once said, 'The best way to hide somethingfrom Black people is to put it in a book." We now livein the Information Age. They have gained theopportunity to read any book on any subject throughthe efforts of their fight for freedom, yet theyrefuse to read. There are numerous books readilyavailable at Borders, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon.com,not to mention their own Black Bookstores that providesolid blueprints to reach economic equality (whichshould have been their fight all along), but few readconsistently, if at all. GREED is another powerfulweapon of containment. Blacks, since the abolition ofslavery, have had large amounts of money at theirdisposal. Last year they spent 10 billion dollarsduring Christmas, out of Their 450 billion dollars intotal yearly income (2.22%). Any of us can use them asour target market, for any business venture we care todream up, no matter how outlandish, they will buy intoit. Being primarily a consumer people, they functiontotally by greed. They continually want more, withlittle thought for saving or investing. They wouldrather buy some new sneaker than invest in starting abusiness. Some even neglect their children to have thelatest Tommy or FUBU, and they still think that havinga Mercedes, and a big house gives them "Status" orthat they have achieved the American Dream. They arefools! The vast majority of their people are still inpoverty because their greed holds them back fromcollectively making better communities. With the helpof BET, and the rest of their black media that oftenbroadcasts destructive images into their own homes, wewill continue to see hug profits like those of Tommyand Nike. Tommy Hilfiger has even jeered them, sayinghe doesn't want their money, and look at how the foolsspend more with him than ever before). They'llcontinue to show off to each other while we buildsolid communities with the profits from our businessesthat we market to them. SELFISHNESS, ingrained intheir minds through slavery, is one of the Major wayswe can continue to contain them. One of their own,Dubois said that there was an innate division in theirculture. A "Talented Tenth" he called it. He wascorrect in his deduction that there are segments oftheir culture that has achieved some "form" ofsuccess. However, that segment missed the fullness ofis work. They didn't read that the "Talented Tenth"was then responsible to aid the Non-Talented NinetyPercent in achieving a better life; instead, thatsegment has created another class, a Buppies classthat looks down on their people or aids them in acondescending manner. They will never achieve what wehave. Their selfishness does not allow them to be ableto work together on any project or endeavor ofsubstance. When they do get together, theirselfishness lets their egos get in the way of theirgoal. Their so-called help organizations seem to onlywant to promote their name without making any realchange in their community. They are content to sit inconferences and conventions in our hotels, and talkabout what they will do, while they award plaques tothe best speakers, not the best doers. Is there no endto their selfishness? They steadfastly refuse to seethat TOGETHER EACH ACHIEVES MORE (TEAM)! They do notunderstand that they are no better than each other ofwhat they own in fact, most of those Buppies are butone or two paychecks away from poverty. All of whichis under the control of our pens i our offices and ourrooms. Yes, we will continue to contain them as longas they refuse to read, continue to buy anything theywant, and keep thinking they are "helping" theircommunities by paying dues to organizations which dolittle other than hold lavish conventions in ourhotels. By the way, don't worry about any of themreading this letter, remember, THEY DON'T READ!!!!BLACKS DON'T READ"Euseby
Hakuna mtu mweusi duniani, sasa mtu mweusi yupi anayemuongelea? Nani mtu mweusi? Sana sana kabakia mmoja tu dunia, Mugabe.
unajua hii makala imenigusa sana kwa sababu ukiangalia kwa wingi ni kweli haya mambo na inatisha kwa sababu sisi watu weusi kweli sijui naomba tuu niishie hapa maana nikiendelea nitaleta zengwe.
Ni kweli kabisa ila ni vigumu sisi waafrika mara nyingi kukubali ukweli.Mimi ni mwalimu kitaaluma nakwambia siku hizi hasa kule TZ ni kusoma mambo ya udaku tu.Nasema tutatawaliwa haswa; hebu tizama tulivyonyuma kwa kila kitu.
Ndio nionavyo.
Inategemeana anazungumzia kusoma nini. kila mtu bongo anasoma gazeti, kama hana lake basi mtapokezana , naomba la ndani, au nipe la nje nisome 'michezo'...
Kitu kinachonikera mimi, na ambacho hawa waandishi wa uchumi na siasa wanavyofanya ni kuandika kwa lugha ngumu, na kuweka majedwali ya hesabu zisizoeleweka.
Niko na kazi inayonibidi nisome World Bank Development Report 2005.
Najua kuna sehemu nisizokubaliana na waandishi wa ripoti hiyo.. lakini inabidi nibishane nao kwa kutumia vitabu vingi vingine visivyoeleweka kwa urahisi.
Sio kuwa hatupendi kusoma na kuelewa mambo, bali hatuna wanauchumi au wanasiasa wanaoelewa na kuwa na uwezo wa kuandika na kuturahisishia kuelewa... hata mtu akiinua gazeti basi asome uchumi kwa urahisi katika makala inayovutia... pengine zaidi ya habari za udaku... wasomi wetu pia wajaribu kuandika kwa ajili ya mwananchi wa kawaida... watu wanataka kujua, tena wanafuatilia..
watu walisoma Rai ya Jenerali na waandishi wengine wengine wanaoandika mambo ya maana...
Chanagamoto kwetu waandishi kuwashawishi raia wasome kwa kuwavutia na kuwapa wanachotaka.
Nitaweka makala ya bwana mmoja ambaye amejenga hoja kama ya Mwandani. Anasema kwa mfano unaposema mfumuko wa bei ni asilimia 4 ina maana gani kwa mtu ambaye si mchumi? Nitaiweka karibuni anahoji mambo ya msingi kabisa.
Labda niongezee, manake Mwandani ana hoja ya matumizi ya lugha ngumu.Nataka niseme kwamba hili ni tatizo lakini kabla ya hili watu hawana tabia ya kusoma makala ila kusoma tu vihabari vifupi vifupi.
Kule TZ gazeti la Rai linasomwa na watu wachache kwa hoja eti linaandika makala ndefu.Tuna uvivu vichwani mwetu alafu tunasingizia lugha, tuache haya.
Kwa mfano ni watanzania wachache wana muda wa kusoma vitabu kama novel na ndio maana watanzania wengi hawaijui historia ya nchi yao. Hapa ninasoma na wachache na linapokuja suala la siasa za Tz watu wanashindwa hata kueleza nyerere aling'atuka mwaka gani kwa wenyeji wa hapa.
Utakuta mtu akiona unajisomea mambo mengi anakushangaa unawezaje?
mimi ninafikiri kuanza kusingizia ugumu wa lugha ndo uzembe na uvivu wenyewe huo kwani kumusi ni za kazi gani? na wewe Idya ni wewe umetupa hii makala kwanini? ulichambua na ukaionaje mpaka kuamua kuiweka hapa? ni kwamba hili tatizo umeliona kuwepo ndio maaan umezidi kulibainisha sasa inakuwaje ukubaliane na uvivu eti ndiyo kwa kweli lugha ni ngumu, Jamani!!!!. hizo ndo tabia za ajabu za mtu kutokujua msimamo wako uko wapi unayumbishwa tuu sio haya tunayapigia kelele kila siku jamani?
au hujiamini na wewe umebandika tuu makala hii kama Mkapa anavyobandikiza mifano kiholela holela bila kufanyia kazi!!!!!!
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